Hola! Does anyone have any advice for moving or starting steps into marketing / comms / copywriting?

I’m currently working at an academic publisher in Editorial but I don’t have the scope to be creative, or write (which I ultimately want to do). I want to start making steps to move and I’d appreciate any advice your beautiful minds could provide!


  • @Julia Fenwick This is so great, thank you so much!
  • @Vikki Ross Oh brilliant! Thank you so much, I’ve got my weekend reading sorted!
  • Hi AJ
    If you are looking to break into the comms space I would recommend joining the CIPR https://www.cipr.co.uk/ . They run lots of courses specifically geared to PR & Comms. Hope this is helpful. J
  • Hi AJ, here are a couple of articles I've written on Copywriting, which may help you:



    Also, follow #copywritersunite if you're on Twitter.
  • @AJ Morris glad I can help. Let me know if you need any help navigating Upwork, it can be a bit of a handful at the start, but once you get used to it it's good practice, even if you don't get the job :)
  • @Andra Maier thank you, thank you! Upwork definitely sounds like a place to scout—!I’ll bear all of this in mind ☺️
  • For all 3 of these, but especially for copywriting, Upwork.com is useful to get short, and small tasks for other people that can help you work on the skills. The best advice I've ever received was just to start.

    For Marketing/Comms, a good way to get your foot in the door is also to do short(now remote) internships as these help you meet the right kind of people and also get knowledge of the industry if you feel you need anything extra.

    Hope this helps, and best of luck, I'm sure you'll do a great job.
  • @Peter Wright Thank you so much for writing this out, I appreciate it —this has been so helpful ☺️
  • Best thing to do is pick a subject you’re passionate about or interested in and write about it - either through a blog, Instagram, medium or LinkedIn articles.

    And keep writing.

    It doesn’t even have to be particularly good. Just keep doing it. You’ll get a sense of what works - and by that I mean what reads well and feels genuine - and what doesn’t ie it kinda sounds like someone writing, it doesn’t flow like conversation.

    Do that, pick your best bits and start to build a portfolio - you don’t need to have done it for someone else, just use what you e written about and consider it an assignment you’ve given yourself.

    If its marketing and copywriting you’re interested in, stay away from opinion pieces or ‘diary’ entries and write it in a way someone would like or understand. Think of one other person who could get use or value from it. Just one. Not a huge audience or something everyone would like. One particular person.

    There’ll be times you can’t be bothered, get fed up, and feel as if no one is reading or cares but keep going. Most people fail because they don’t stick to it. The ones who success, generally, never gave up.

    Hope this helps.

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