
  • Preliminary research above all else!
    Find something that excites you.
    Read magazines such as LOVE, HUNGER, POP, i-D and Monocle.
    Find a theme, or a topic which you feel you could explore deeper.
    Carry a camera/notepad with you at all times to make notes of whatever ideas pop into your mind as your discover and educate yourself...

    Then once you feel ready: just DO.
    There is no wrong or right way to create.
    Some people need the 'foundation' of researching first to have a sense of guidance... others, just go and do it.
    It honestly depends on where you are in life as well - whether you feel heavily inspired naturally, or feel like you need a bit of stimulation and mental revival.

    Best of luck!

    Darcy Behati Keverian
    Creative Director and Founder of Lait Mylk
  • If you're taking first steps.... look for any excuse to make something, anything. You need to find out what you’re interested in and innately good at. Do this as much as you can and start to wire your brain to creative impulses and grow your instincts. Work your way into creative projects that then need you to use software like Adobe Creative Suite. At first you’ll be half on YouTube and half on the software but the more you use it the more you will learn. Practise, practise, practice.

    If you’re trying to get into the game…
    you need to reach out to friends and contacts and anyone in your network to look for work that needs doing. Every project is a) a chance to get better and b) more work to show to prospective clients.

    If you’re trying to create something from nothing…
    You have three choices. Be random. Be inspired. Or solve a problem. If you have a three sided coin, you could flip that.
  • Depends on what you are creating, who for, when, what, where, etc. I could be more useful, but the question is quite vague.

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