I enjoy photography, but have been struggling to continue after people nip picked at my work and I’m failing to find motivation

I second guess everything I do now, I’ve shot once since the lockdown ended. Does anyone know how to become motivated again or to block out negative comments about your work.
Help please


  • If you get enough positive feedback you will forget about the negative. I find that my clients are always very happy with their photos. So who cares what anyone else thinks? Try shooting for a few people that need photos and see what they say.
  • Seeking others approval? In what! hours of work months of learning, or is it a validation for your practice, now you could turn it up and say actualy, I apprciate the critique.
  • Hey Amber; I have suffered from this feeling both playing sport and at work. The constant string (sting?) of what-ifs and maybe I cant's drag you down like a lost soul in the River Styx. Take courage from your portfolio; look at your pictures and remember Why you are a photographer. Take a listen to Episode 44 from Focus on Why. I took a lot of inspiration from listening to this today. https://focusonwhy.libsyn.com/rss
    I hope this helps.
  • Hi Amber
    Don't let it get you down, it's the part of being a creative that we all have to go through & will keep on going through. There will always be someone who wants to nit pick. Have a think about what & why they are saying and see if you can improve the work.
    Try to build up some thick skin.
    A very good book on the subject
    Resiliance Mark Mcguiness

    Remember It is part of the process.

    Have a look at my website

    good vibes
  • I agree with @Lee Williams. Very important I think to take on board criticism from people you respect, which will hopefully enable you to learn and improve. And maybe just try and build up a new body of work that you feel you are proud of? I know that's often easier said than done, but y'know...ya gotta get back on the horse...
    And find new collaborators to help you create new work - I'm incredibly thankful I got onto the Dots, in this respect. I've met and worked with some wonderful people on here. :-D
  • I feel you.... I lost a few jobs simce the lockdown in March, mainly because we couldn't find a way to make it work and every business in greece is struggling so their expenses where cut in half....
    I felt useless.
    I think spending your time just experimenting and being creative helps.
    Try to push your self to change things you once found diffucult to portray and ignore people who are always negative.
    I started drawing again to help me unblock in photography!!
    Just do and let people who can't do and just critise aside!
  • Hi Amber, I fully appreciate how you must be feeling. I've experienced momnets of self doubt too with my own photography. It's not an easy feeling to dismiss. But I find embracing it helps. It's okay to question your own work and have doubts about it. It just means you have very high standards and you're constantly pushing yourself to do better. Constructve criticism is good BUT it needs to be from people you respect. Random people nit picking at your work should be ignored. You didn't ask for their advice so it's within your rights to completely ignore what they have to say. I often find these people are great are critcising the technical aspects of your work but fail to have any insights as to it's artistic merits (which is a very very subjective thing). These are the kinds of people that will find fault with the works of past masters! If it's a paid comission then you're going to have to deal with (often) unwarrented criticism, but that's the privilege of clients, rightly or wrongly. If it's your own personal work, then damn them all. Just go out and shoot for the pure pleasure of it with no expections of coming away with anything. Every failure is a step toward success. I've sent you a connection request and you can find me on the following platforms.

    Lets connect and maybe I can give you a lift when necessary :-)

    Keep shooting!
  • Hello Amber,

    I guess its believing in you and having the love and passion for photography. I dont think that self expression is anyone's business but to thier self!, the best way to put it is simple you are your own competition. As an artist I would say be as experimental as possible! and never stop being curious! and dont stop expressing!

    Much love

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