I have been working on my new portfolio website, and it'd be great to have some feedback on it. Can you help? https://www.valtari.studio/


  • Nice one for sharing Peter, love the LUFC Gorillaz! Mock-ups and refining text definitely the way forward and as you work is so varied - maybe consider how each portfolio piece would fit in its own category I.e. animation / illustration / web etc. Think your “About me” needs to be a bit more personable too; it reads like a job covering letter atm (you could get the guys at Go Media or agencies you’ve worked with to give a snippet on you to break up a little?). Plenty of skills to show off, well done.
  • @Raafaye Ali Thanks for your advice Raafaye! I do tend to explain everything, when perhaps I don't need to. I'll let my work speak for itself a little more!
  • @Chris Bain Thanks very much for your feedback Chris. I'll work through your points and make some changes!
  • Hey feel like the work is very text heavy rather then showcasing your designs. I understand it’s demonstrating how you think but perhaps finding a way to condense it or let the work first speak for itself, perhaps consider mocking up your designs on various products associated to branded stuff to show what it might look like if it’s a reality. ( I need to do a lot more of theirs too)
  • Hi Peter,
    Some thoughts which I hope will be helpful:
    - Homepage, move 'my work' above the grey 'about me strip'
    - I would include an email address as well as an enquiry form. Some people don't link forms.
    - I personally would increase the size of the images within each project and have less text. It feels like a blog at the moment. Maybe have 1 paragraph of text as an overview. Make the images the focus.
    -Some of the links don't work, for example the 'My Work' in the top navigation doesn't work when inside a project. And when inside 'My work' main page, make the images clickable. At the moment it's just the live text which is selectable.
    - Also, look into the file size of your images. they are really big and slowish to load. Most images should be 400kb or less.

    Hope that helps.


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