I'm looking for a charity or startup to collaborate with - willing to do pro-bono work to expand my portfolio.

I do illustration, graphic design, branding and more. I would love to work with you, so share this with someone in need or pop me a message! (Also if anyone has any charities they would suggest, please let me know!)


  • Thank you so much for your lovely and detailed responses everyone, I really appreciate it! :)
  • Suggest you reverse engineer this & find a few you like, see if you have ideas around what you could do for them- especially if you see gaps/ opportunities they’re not doing currently, and approach them. If they turn you down, you either have a bunch of ideas in your back pocket to move on to someone else who could use them, or, depending on how fully fleshed out you decide to go, you can post the work as mock-ups (& change the name or caveat it as fictional).
    The best part about this approach is you’re doing work you actually want to do, with ideas you can own. The initiative & concept skills also look killer to potential employers. (Plus sometimes working with charities can be labour intensive and the end product is not necessarily portfolio worthy work/ the type of work you want to be hired for in future, which can be incredibly tough).
  • https://www.tincancollective.com - these folks work with non-profits a bunch and are always looking for freelancers to work with
  • Hi Kate, few months ago I found a graphic design volunteer job here:
    perhaps it will help you.

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