I’m looking to broaden my network of artists to potentially collaborate with. Im a surface designer based in the north-east of UK. Hit me up

My Instagram is @slutmouthdesign if you want to check out my work


  • Hey , I am a fashion makeup artist. Attached are my portfolio https://weitingyu.com/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/weiting_ruby/ I would love to work with you, please have a look on my portfolio, you could contact me via Instagram or email attached on my website. I look forward to hearing from you!
  • Hi Bettie
    I'm in West Yorkshire, not too fare from the North East!
    I'm a brand designer, not really an artist but i do love to do hand lettering and calligraphy. I'll find you on Instagram. You can find me @oakfolddesign
  • Hey there Bettie!
    If you're looking out for collaborations on the digital art side or even ethnic art, I am down!
    I am a Brand Strategist in Mumbai with a love for art direction.

  • Hi Bettie, I am always open for possible collaborations http://www.johnhogan-illustration.com

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