I updated my website and would love some feedback. I will return the favour :) just drop your www. in the comments.



  • Hey @Jenny Harrington

    Of course, ahhh nice I bet Tooty was fun haha I love it
    Sweet! I mean see if it's a valid feedback, but if what I suggested made sense, glad to help :) Ohh you're dyslexic uff my bad

    Thank you so much for saying that, means a lot [heart eyes] hahaha
    Ohh good point, will slow it down on the header speed
    I see, will phrase it better, english is not my native tongue so I see myself going to google translate or thesaurus often lol but the sentence format sense might escape me sometimes.

    Cheers! an amazing week to you \o/
  • @Joe Felton Ah I am so glad that I could help! I definitely know the pains of the limits of the Adobe portfolios as that is also what I use for my site.

    Thank you so much for checking out my site! I hadn't realised that issue had been happening on some peoples browsers, thank you for letting me know!

    And thank you so much! It was honestly such a fun project to work on and I'd love to come back to it sometime in the future. Agreed, it would be super fun to work together! Let me know if any collaboration opportunities come up sometime!
  • @Kathryn Brammall Thanks for you're message, some really great tips with the layout! Wish I could add the clients on that page but don't know how to add an image there within this Adobe portfolio theme.

    My only criticism of yours is you need to bring the menu bar in a bit, 'Shop' page touches the edge of my browser

    I actually love your work, the cowboy project is so good! Would be awesome to work with you sometime!
  • Hi! I am no website or animation expert, but I know just hearing from a few extra people can be helpful, so I hope my words are of use.

    First off, your site is great and you have a really excellent portfolio, with loads of great stuff to be showing off! Like others have said, you have a really impressive list of clients, so putting them at the bottom of the homepage might make it easier to see that.

    A very small note but I thought that the Lapland project and the World Rare Disease Day projects could switch, as those colours compliment each other a bit more and create a bit more a cohesive landing page for when you first open the site. The white background of the Pigeon project also made it look a bit unbalanced (at first I thought you only had 3 projects there), so maybe putting that further down to create a solid 4 block for the top section? Switching it perhaps with Morning Train.

    I would also reorder your sidebar links - I would suggest switching 'About Us' and 'How', just as it didn't initially make flowing sense to me when I was looking at it. I absolutely love the 'How' page though, and think it is a fantastic idea to help new clients see what the process is like!

    Like others have said, I like that things move when you hover, but if possible try to get rid of the fade as it dulls the colours you've used.

    I hope this is helpful! Feel free to message me if you wanted any clarifications.

    If you fancied having a look, my website is https://kathrynbrammall.com/

    (I'm currently on a bit of a break from making new work as I am in a new role, but would love to come back to it soon so any comments are appreciated!)
  • @Karen Mattiazzo Thanks so much for the compliments, Tooty was very fun to work with. I've just done a few of your suggestions and rewriten all the 'how' page, think it reads better now, although my dyslexic brain might just be wired differnetly, haha.

    I love your website and your designs, your brand identity is so strong and shines on every page.
    A couple tiny of points
    - The scrolling header (?) sometimes was a bit fast, maybe reduce the text to a line so you can read it in time, I found it was changing when I was halfway though the sentence on the [ My Collections] page

    - on My Collections, about my designs "I HAND DRAWN PATTERNS AND PRINTS", maybe needs to be re worded.

  • @Daniel England Thanks Dan, really good point about seeing the videos. Tweeked that and it looks great!
  • @Tanel S Heey I checked your website too and woww, pretty sweet :)

    I love how the hover behaves, insanely cool I was playing with it for some time haha

    I'll be cheeky and ask for a feedback on my website too yes?

  • Hi Jenny,

    I like the website a lot, very minimalistic and clean using only black and white and straight to the point. I do have some comments about it

    - Agree with other comments here that the logo on the navigation bar is too big, maybe shrink it to fit the text and icons next to it;
    - I see that when you click on 'work' the same boxes showing a snippet of each project appear, same as on the homepage. If I were you I'd list the best ones, maybe 4 only, then a button saying 'see more' and it takes us to 'work' page. I do love that it plays a bit of the animation on the hover, pretty sweet!
    - You guys worked with nice clients, why not show off and add that to the homepage, close to the footer?
    - The 'how' page is super important, I'd check spelling and sentence structure a bit so it's clearer.. I'm not into the animation world like you, but I think it should be clear for anyone..
    - Finally, I love the characters animated next to each step on that 'how' page :D

    I recently changed my website a bit as well, would love if you could visit and give feedback too please? Tell me if any section is confusing, or if it's not clear what I do or whatever haha or if it's repetitive, etc bc my website has 60 pages now haha


    Thank you and best of luck on your projects o/
    Oh and I love Tooty McNooty lol
  • @Jenny Harrington I love it! Love your work too!

    I would definitely make the logo at the top smaller. And on a laptop screen, the landing page displays just the top edges of the first two vid icons, before you start scrolling down. That works well in terms of it being clear that there is stuff to scroll down for - but it might have more impact if you could tweak things a bit so there's one or two full video images on screen immediately.
  • @Tanel S Wow thanks so much, some really good advice, I need to get editing!

    Your website is so interactive, I love how responsive everything is, especially the gloopy buttons, it would definitely keep me on your site for longer and shows that you are really skilled in web design. I found it a bit hard to find examples of your work though, it would be nice to see some case studies of your favourite projects easily from the homepage.

    Hope this helps!

  • Lets try it :)

    1) I like overall style.
    2) I like your logo and somehow it fits the vibe. However I would make it smaller still.
    3) I see the thumbnails and understand you do something related to design. But I would still make title shorter and faster to read.

    Whats most important = 2D animation studio.

    4) I like big thumbnails and that it plays video on hover. I don´t like that it is faded and it has project name appearing on top.

    5) Maybe add some kind of CTA to the footer. Available to work etc.

    Project pages
    2.1) Some videos have low quality. Lapland one is really hard to watch as it is taller than my screen.

    2.2) I would try to improve typography. Bigger title. Maybe shorter left aligned description as it is easier to read.

    2.3) Some pages with bigger case studies look not so polished and text is aligned bit randomly.

    I would also try to end each page with strong visual. Sometimes it ends up with just early sketches.

    I would restructure a bit.

    Homepage & /work look identical.

    Either add showreel to homepage and thumbnails to work or make it organized.

    How - looks bit random. Maybe add it to homepage or about page if there is no SEO point.

    About - improve readability. Left aligned text. Make sure what is testimonial. At first I thought all those texts are description of team.

    Consider using testimonials for projects or homepage.

    I pretty much suggest that you follow similar structure than my site.
    Feel free to roast it :) I guess English copy is still pretty random.


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