In the first issue of a student led magazine we are asking artist and professionals to tell us whether they believe art is essential.

While studying at SOAS, it has come to my attention that many students are feeling the pressure to figure a new path in a post pandemic world. The UK government blantly encourages artist to drop their passions and take up trending professions like software development, instead of fashioning creativity as a means to develop and maintain cultural capital. So we're asking professionals whether they think art/artist are imortant in efforts to expand the conversation pass denigration into a more nuturing and collaborative discouorse.


  • Thank you all so much for responding, I honestly did not think I would get many replies so this was a lovely suprise.

    With your permission I would love to include your answers on our website (which is still underconotruction)! I'll leave a link to it below.

    Again thank you so much @george crisp @Morphe Digital Design @Frida Skoglie @Mike McCoole: Design @Shushan Chapman @Fi Forrest !!
  • Good question. One answer might be to imagine the kinds of societies that disdained the arts, how it would be to live in such an environment. Imagine living in the time of Puritan England; Puritan New England; living under any absolutist theocracy, where your only 'artistic' outlet is religion (too many to name here).

    It would be like living in a tight, airless compartment. Yeah, I think we need art.
  • I truly believe art is essential. Art is where new and innovative ideas spring. During my course at university, we would use art and creativity in every project/task. Even if the project itself was digital marketing or branding for the client. This is because the arts made us colour outside the lines. See things from a different perspective and bring this fresh angle of seeing things into our work. Art is essential to step out of the status quo, and bring innovation into your work.
  • I think the biggest yardstick for this was when we first went into the first lockdown in fear and panic 12 months ago ; people turned to the arts (in all forms as Fi Forrest states).

    How the general moods in those early Teams Meeting changed when Tiger King or those Italian musicians playing from their balconies was mentioned. Art is essential.
  • Art (in all its forms; visual, words, music, etc) is not essential for life, but it is essential for living.

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