Interested in Biodesign? If yes, join us if you can for #BIOdesigncreativeLAB on Clubhouse 18:00-19:00 BST on July 1st...

Bringing together seminal figures from the field, this session will explore how biodesign is shaping the leading-edge of architecture and urban design. Joining me in conversation for this drop-in audio session will be...

Prof. Rachel Armstrong, Professor of Experimental Architecture at the University of Newcastle, Executive at the Living Architecture Systems Group, and Senior TED Fellow 2010.

Prof Claudia Pasquero, Professor and Head of the Institute of Urban Design at the University of Innsbruck; Urban Morphogenesis Lab Director at The Barlett, Senior Faculty at IAAC, and Founder/Director of ecoLogicStudio.

Maria Kuptsova, Research Associate at the Synthetic Landscape Lab at University of Innsbruck, Head of Design Innovation at ITMOTECH, Curator of Digitocene.Net.

Annick Saralegui, Founder of Symbiont biocentric magazine, researcher at Henaff Lab, and Biodesign student at Genspace NYC.

Follow @melissasterry @claudiapasquero, @mariakuptsova @annicksara for info.


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