Looking for 15-21 year old LGBTQ+ and/or non-binary individuals in London to feature in a short docu-series

We are currently casting Talent for an amazing new Docu- Series centred around the stories of Young Black LGBTQ+ and/or non-binary creative individuals.

We are specifically looking for Young people aged 15-21, who are confident in sharing their journey to discovering their identity.

Must be based in London and available to shoot on the first week of April.

If this sounds like something you or someone you know would be interested in, please get in contact.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • You should contact PxssyPalace and ask if they can repost this for you. They’re usually
    My go to for qtipoc outreach and they’re London based.
    For younger, maybe ask if the youth worker Tanya Compas can help you look for people for your project.

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