Looking for a photographer to collaborate on upcoming music project
Looking for a photographer to collaborate on digital assets for upcoming music release. Style of soul/pop
- Hey, if you're still looking for a photographer, I'd love to reach out! Ive previouly worked with musicians on upcoming releases as well as a wide range of other projects. My portfolio can be found at jamesduhan.com
- Hiya! I've photographed gigs before as well as other events, would be up for this for sure! Here's my portfolio: maxvonhagenphotography.co.uk
- Hey! I'm a photographer for and I've worked with musicians and producers in leading the photo department for their campaigns/upcoming album releases as well as live performances. This sounds like a great collaboration and I'd love to be involved. My portfolio is leilagrillo.comLooking forward to hearing from you.
- Hey! I'm a photographer for and I've worked with musicians and producers in leading the photo department for their campaigns/upcoming album releases as well as live performances. This sounds like a great collaboration and I'd love to be involved. My portfolio is leilagrillo.comLooking forward to hearing from you.
- https://www.instagram.com/ccaalllleessiiaa?igsh=MXM4Y2sza3I3cXYzNA==
- I'm based in Manchester @made.bykenny on Instagram
- Hi,I'm Simran Kaur and I'm a fashion photographer and creative director based in London. I also do press shoots and music videos :)WebsiteSimrankaurspace.squarespace.comInstagramSimran_k_
- im HERE @kingdompresleyhudson
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