Looking for creatives interested in showcasing their work , in London. likely end of January.
- Hi Adya! I’m a graphic illustrator based in London and would love to hear more about this opportunity!Here are links to more of my work:https://www.instagram.com/shadzs_art?igsh=d2d4NzBkdWtpc280https://www.shadzsart.com/
- Hi, i am very interested. Have you got more info?
- Hi Adya, I’m really excited about this showcase! I’m an artist based in London and would love to know if there’s any additional info available yet.
- Hey Adya! I am super interested in this showcase, I am a photographer based in London. Do you have anymore info on it yet?
- Hi Adya! I'm a London based Architectural designer and i'd be very interested in this showcase! Could you share more details about the event and if you'd need anything on my part?
- I have an architectural photography exhibit with a partnering soundtrack if that is of interest? Let me know if you’d like further information.
- Interested
- Hi Adya, sounds amazing, I am very interested! What kind of work are you looking to showcase?
- hi Adya, how long are you taking submissions?
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