Looking for graphic designer to work on our first print edition
Online mens fashion magazine The Rakish Gent is looking for a graphic designer to help bring to life its first edition in print
Please contact editor@therakisgent.co.uk if interested
Instagram: @therakishgent
- HelloI will be glad to help you!https://www.behance.net/pilarter
- I'd definitely be interested - will email you directly.Best wishes,Lucinda
- Would love to get involved. Will email you shortly!Best,Leonor
- Would love to get involved. Will email you shortly!Thanks,Catalina
- I'd love to collaborate with you! Sounds like an exciting project. Will email you!
- Hello, I'd be glad to collaborate with you.Contact me here: ciubotariu_diana_m@yahoo.com
- Hello,Sounds intersting, shooting you an e-mail.IG: @breathein.breatheoutt
- Hey Josh, great to hear from you after so long. Drop me a line at editor@therakishgent.co.uk and we can go forward?
- Would like to offer my services for your current needs, tried emailing but it got returned. Please see my portfolio on the here & message me if you still need assistance.Kindest regards,Saffron
- Hello! I’m interested and just sent you an email!! Thanks!
- Hey Taj, this sounds interesting, congrats too on heading into a print edition, I'd be on board to work on you with this!
- I'd love to collaborate with you! Sounds like an exciting project. Will send you an email soon. Best, Marta
- Hi Ryan, it’s editor@therakishgent.co.uk
- Hi,jut sent you an email. I recieved an error message "The account or domain may not exist, they may be blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries."I will appreciate a correct email addres or maybe I can send it here?Ryan
- Hello,Would love to help you bring your magazine to life in print! I've sent you an email with my portfolio of editorial work, and you can see more of my work at celestenjoo.com.Thanks!Celeste
- Hi thereSounds like a great project and would love to design for this and get involved.I have a lot of experience designing for premium brochures and crating beautiful contemporary layouts.My work is on Lucyshephard.comThanks
- @Maria Fedotovskikh - also interested!
- Definitely interested, currently working as an editorial designer for a luxury west London magazine. I will send over some portfolio samples later today, also have a few samples on here if of interest
- Hi there,Just came across this.Love getting involved with new beginnings.Lets work on creating something greatThank you,Darrell
- Definitely interest, please get in touch
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