Looking for graphic designers, copywriters, art directors, videographers and other creatives to join me for projects
I'm looking to set up a social creative agency - an agency that has a social mission at the centre. I hope to work with local communities, charities and organisations to create impactful work as well as get paying clients.
Message me here or shoot me an email paroean@gmail.com if you're interested
- @Francesca Ceconi thanks Francesca! I tried to send an email but it wouldn't send?
- Hello Priscilla,I am super keen and already have quite a bit of experience in working on socially driven briefs. Would love to chat :) francescaceconistudio@gmail.com
- This sounds great, would love to get involved! My portfolio is available here along with my contact info! www.amyanderson.co.uk
- Love this idea, such a great mission! I'm a graphic designer and would be happy to get involved. Feel free to check out my work here: https://palaxciosdesign.squarespace.com/. Looking forward to seeing this come together!
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