Looking to collaborate with designers to put together the final stages of a D&AD brief. Anyone up for it? Deadline is 17th March for brief.
You would need to be eligible to work on the New Blood briefs and able to hit the ground running.
- @Katie Smith oh well, hahaha
- @Katie Smith no worries. I dont think Im new blood anyway. Been in the game for a good few decades now lol
- @Luke Freeman @Steve Hughes Thanks for the interest but I've started collaborating with someone else now that I think fits with the visual language that I'm using for the project. Thanks again
- @Katie Smith “New Blood Awards is open to …emerging creatives worldwide” ;)
- @Katie Smith Yes I am!
- @Steve Hughes Hi Steve, it's for the Spotify New Blood brief so a digital design project with some branding
- @Luke Freeman Hi Luke, I've just looked through your portfolio, are you eligible for the New Blood briefs? Looks like you've done a lot so want to double check
- @Giorgia Scavo I've accepted your connection request. Are you eligible for the New Blood briefs?
- Hi Katie, I am available to help, where can I contact you directly?
- Yeah, so far everyone I offer to help rejected me. Also have experience with D&AD as I’ve ghosted on campaigns that have won awards.
- Hi Katie. Sounds really interesting. Whats it aboutSteve
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