Looking to connect with other designers - get in touch via @bloomsburydesigns
- Hi sharing my email abstractphase@gmail.com and my instagram profile @abstractphase
- Hey I am a viusal artist and designer @sandrajunker_ My website: sandrajunker.deWould love to connect!
- @James Murphy could you send me an email at contact.bloomsburydesigns@gmail.com
- @Eugene Stickney could you send me an email at contact.bloomsburydesigns@gmail.com
- Hi Hafiza,I'm a freelance brand and packaging designer, feel free to get in touch.Thanks, James.jamescraigmurphy.co.uk
- Hi Hafiza, feel free to reach out. https://eugenestickney.com/
- @Hafiza Begum. trailblazegraphics.dcms.site/
- @Thomas Heath do you want to drop me a email with your work samples: contact.bloomsburydesigns@gmail.com
- Hey, looking for any oportunites you might have, nice to meet you! tom-heath.com
- https://lupilinedesignportfolio.cargo.site/ 🩶
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