Looking to work with a Costume Designer for a concept trailer for my upcoming dystopian Feature Film
The film revolves around a pagan group in a post-apocalyptic setting and we’re looking to create costumes that primarily reflect their religion but also made with material that they’d have access to in that world.
We’re looking to shoot the concept trailer in the summer and would like to collaborate with a costumer designer for the trailer in specific, but then hopefully work together for the feature too if all works out.
- @Clara Aurelia Thank you for sending your info, I’ll send you a message
- @Ezgi Gursoy Thanks for your interest! Will message you privately
- Hi, I'm a creative director and designer of my own brand SAINT E. You can check my works from the instagram.https://www.instagram.com/egrsy_/https://www.instagram.com/saint_e_world/I will be happy to work on your project. Many thanks.
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