New online portfolio - what do you think?

I've recently updated my portfolio to be online-based as PDF format restricted what assets I could include. I'd love to hear feedback and see if/what can be improved and what works well.

Thank you in advance!


  • @Guya Maggi Thank you so much for your feedback, it's been super helpful to read and definitely boosted my confidence! I'm definitely going to look into creating multiple portfolios as the main questoin I seem to be getting from viewers is, what do I want to do? So I guess that's not clearly outlined enough between the projects.

    I can definitely expand on the self initiated projects, they've been so much fun that during down time in work I can always work on them more, especially Warner Mills, I think there's a lot of scope for different assets to be created, e.g advertising the space and I LOVE the idea of creating an app for it too.

    Thank you again for your super helpful notes, they've made my day :)
  • Hi Gemma,
    Thank you for sharing your work!
    Your new portfolio looks cool, the overall look is fun but professional and it feels like it belongs to a friendly and easy going person.
    I appreciated to see a wide variety of projects that includes a bit of everything, from logo and brand identity to storyboards and web design. Also the amount of projects shown is perfect, not too much, not too little. I like that every project is branded with its visual identity in the layout and in the colors.
    I particularly enjoyed your Hubgen project and I see it is quite an extensive one, and that you developed several collaterals for them. The amount of the body copy is perfect. I believe you could talk a bit more about the design choices you made, for example, why did you choose that font? Why those colours? What’s the concept behind that symbol? You explained very nicely why you privileged the usage of flat designs, I loved that and found it interesting! You don’t need to give in-depth details about your design choices, just enough to trigger more curiosity in the recruiter/client. If you worked on more collaterals it’d be great to show more mockups/application!
    Very interesting project!

    As for your Self Initiated projects, such cool ideas! So much creativity there :) Overall, I think that portfolio part would benefit of less projects and more extensive ones.
    For example, I enjoyed in particular the fake documents and food labels project! How cool! Now, you probably have restrictions to publish them due to intellectual property. In case you don’t, please do so! That is a VERY interesting experience to show! And I would put it straight at the beginning of your portfolio! If you can’t, I would definitely increase the amount of those fake visuals in your self initiated works, let’s say, up to 6-8 and definitely in some mockups :)
    Same goes to the Warner Mills project, such an interesting idea. How can you develop that even further? Is this just a print document? It could be more than one spread. What other assets can you add? Is there an app that shares daily inspirational quotes about co-living, its benefits and good habits to have? Can they convey the same message through a different media? How? I would be very curious to see how you might develop this!
    To conclude, consider to have multiple portfolios with a different selection of your works. I know it’s extra work, but I personally find it useful to have 2-3 portfolios with different content for targeted jobs/gigs projects. So excited to see more of your work and what you'll come up with! Cheers!

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