There is power in saying no. Right?! As a 'new' business owner, I had to come to terms with this very early on.

I'm writing a blog post about this because I think it's really important to share my personal experience of turning work down, reflect on the subsequencies this might bring but also, shed light on what really goes on in a new business.

Don't take me wrong, I'm so grateful to both myself and those who really believe in what I do, but I had to say a couple of no the past few months and as much as it inially hurt, it also felt really really really good.

For me it's all about integrity, brand alignment and honesty. I know that by staying true to myself and my 'brand', I'll be able to focus on building stronger and more meaningful relationships.

Have you experienced anything like it? Do you have any words of encouragement for those who are young entrepreneurs?

You are always so inspiring, so please feel free to jump into the conversation!

Thank you,
G x


  • Definitely. I think it's easier to always say yes to things, but over time I've learned that it's much better for everyone to be honest about whether a project or relationship is suitable for you both and if that means saying no, cutting your losses and moving on, then that's what you need to do. I think the power from saying no allows you to focus your time and energy in areas that are much more beneficial to all involved.
  • @Morphe Digital Design Yes to this, thank you so much for sharing and for your honest feedback. It is definitely a choice that goes beyond our work and business, and perhaps one that really challenges one's beliefs and values.
  • @Sophy Robson Love this! And 100% with you, my other half is an artist and I can't tell you how much I STRESS him out about this. And it's not trying to be incredibly selective, but more about being authentic and true to yourself and really work with those you value your input and your abilities.

    And also - can I just add - can we normalise talking about what makes us feel uncomfortable? I see so much content toxicity going around about this and I'm certainly taking no more of it. Funny enough, I'm writing about this too.
  • @Ross Olivey thanks for jumping into the convo! Agree - it does more harm than good, you end up getting involved in something that doesn't serve you. And the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on.

  • Greta saying no was the making of me and how I transitioned from working in the beauty/fashion industry to becoming an artist. When you’re an artist it is way more accepted and respected to say no to anything you don’t feel comfortable about
  • Absolutely. A lot of people starting out - especially in such extraordinary times - think it's vital they say yes to everything. However, it's inevitably
    detramental, as well as unhelpful for your clients and contemporaries for you to behave that way. Learning how and when to say no is an incredibly valuable lesson.

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