Upcoming photobook: A love letter to Croydon

✨Some news✨

I am SUPER excited to finally share that my photographs of my hometown, Croydon, are going to be published as a book by RRB Photobooks!

'Crocus Valley' will launch this summer during Croydon's turn as the 2023 London Borough of Culture.

The project is a love letter to Croydon, a purposefully unexpected and romantic view of the strange town/city hybrid; a view that’s rarely–if ever–depicted, but which coexists alongside the central urban sprawl and harsh reality of the place.

This has been in the works for the past two years and I cannot wait! If you're interested in hearing more, I'm going to be sharing updates as well as talking about process and progress in my new personal newsletter. Follow along here: https://ameenarojee.substack.com/p/02

#thisiscroydon #londonboroughofculture


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