What are the most effective and most reliable ways to find work as a creative? (Artists/Creatives/Freelancers/ employers)!

Previously I was focused a lot more on personal projects and start up’s but I think I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best to find work and focus on building a side hussle over time rather then as a primary source of income.

I’ve found like freelance sites such fiver / any other creative ‘free lancing site’ face huge amounts of competition with individuals trying to undercut each-other and i think it’s pretty complex and unhealthy to structure it this way.

So Artists / Creatives / Freelancers what are the most effective and best ways you’ve found to find work?

Employers this would also be really helpful if you could answer to?

Have a portfolio but am also very open to doing collaborations, more charity work and free work / exchange of services to build it up first!

All answers & opinions welcome! (Remember there’s no wrong answers :))

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you!

Cali :)


  • Hi Cali,

    I think for creatives and artists the ability to be found is very important. Having a portfolio is great but you need potential employers and clients to get to see your work. Leaving "crumbs" on social media and other creative/community platforms is crucial to lead people to your work which could eventually create a business opportunity.

    I can't help but think sites like Fiver are damaging and toxic to the freelance industry, we should not be undercutting and devaluating each others work. And with all respect for people using Fiver, maybe those are not the clients you want. Cheap, quick and dirty work will usually not bring out the best of your abilities or things you want to show in your portfolio.

    My personal experience in getting work is contacting recruiters, especially for agency work. Being proactive and contacting the brands and people you would love to work for. Making a wish-list of clients and agencies will help you to be more focussed. Also being part of creative communities is very beneficial in helping each other and passing around work when you are overbooked.

    It can be discouraging sometimes, but keep on planting seeds everywhere and see things grow over time!

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