What’s the best way to network when searching for creative jobs?

Looking into going into graphic design or following my degrees into Architecture but not had much luck with traditional job searches


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  • Unfortunately design as a role is slowing dying, only going to those with accolade of client of work, to which employers feel that reflect back into their companies profits.

    I say it’s dying because as most articles are saying a lack of women in creative industry coming through, they haven’t looked at how AI has disrupted the prcoess of design. Which clients and businesses are using AI to DIY their own design, work that designers would rely on to get paid, develip their skills and experience to enter a career.

    Means we are at a cut throat hiring process, which we will have to upskills ourselves. i.e. todays interns will need to have the experience todays juniors and juniors, this will be the same for all roles.

    Maybe try going to portfolio reviews and build connections there or design events.
  • Hi Hannah,

    Thanks for posting your call-out! Here are our top tips to help you find work:

    1. Follow your favourite companies so you're the first to know when they post jobs and call-outs:

    2. Build your network by connecting with people you already know, and people you want to know! (fun fact: 50-80% of jobs are filled through networking):

    Oh, and your newsfeed is the place to discover all the best opportunities to network, find work and more:

    We hope that helps!

    The Dots

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