Wondering if there any creatives here that would be up for having a creative coffee morning to chat about our upcoming projects, share ideas
I'm really interested connecting with other creatives in real life I have some ideas around a connecting meet-up. If you are London based would love to here from you if you would be up for a regular meet-up.
- I’m interested
- I have posted a message in the group chat to anyone that replied to this message interested in meeting - up.
- Hi ChanelleI am a London based music video director / painter & art assistant. Would love a creative meet-up. I have recently moved to the city so would be great to network. :)Instagram: @adam5mythwebsite: www.adamhoustonsmyth.com
- Hey! This is a lovely idea, count me in!
- So glad there a few people up for a regular meet of connection and sghring of ideas and skills. I will set up a group chat to further ogranise a date. Would folks be up for a last Saturday of the month? I have a couple locations that could work, can discuss further when I set up the chat.
- Definitely:)
- Yes 😀
- Hello! Would absolutely love to. Please let me know the details :)
- Yep! Always interested in collaborating!
- Hey, I’d love to! That sounds great. Lmk the details and I’ll try to be there!
- Hi,I'm Simran Kaur and I'm a fashion photographer and creative director based in London. I also do event photography and I'm interested :)WebsiteSimrankaurspace.squarespace.comInstagram@simran_k_01EmailK.simran.photography@gmail.com
- This sounds like an excellent idea.I am South London based creative. I look forward to hearing more.Veronica ;-)
- Hey, that sounds really cool! I would love to :)
- Hey Chanelle, I’d love to do this!
- Hey I’m down! Let me know the details 🎉
- Hi Chanelle, I‘d definitely be down for a creative meet-up!!
- Hey Chantelle, I’d definitely be up for this!
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