Would anyone like to hire me?

The pandemic has been brutal on my career! I was let go in April, found another job then following month, let go again. I get it, it's an unsteady time, everyone is being super cautious, but I love working. I’m based in Newcastle (and finally settled following years of working overseas), but the permanent creative job prospects are few and far between. I used to freelance remotely so am more than equipped to work independently. My skills include marketing/comms strategy, social media strategy, and copywriting (for a range of on and offline mediums). I'm also a skilled project manager especially for web builds.


  • Hi Jodie,

    If you’re looking for work, I’d recommend following your favourite companies for job alerts:

    To come higher in search results and to increase your chances of being headhunted, add your work experience here:

    You can also connect with recruiters and talent managers:

    Oh, and keep an eye out for opportunities here:

    I hope that helps!

    Cathy x

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