Would be interested to know what has been the most instrumental thing in your career development?


  • I don't know about what the most instrumental thing is, but a few things that have helped me:

    * Being one of the less-senior people in the room. I've been in this position a bunch of times in my career, it's great to get the chance to work with more senior people directly, can really open your eyes as to how to operate effectively at a more senior level.

    * Asking for help. Honestly, having a trusted mentor, some people you can ask for honest advice, or another support mechanism - it can make a real difference!

    * Getting constructive, honest, timely feedback. Some companies and jobs are much better at this than others. If you're working somewhere that doesn't have a strong feedback culture, it's really worth asking people for their thoughts on how you could be even better in your role.
  • Understanding the value of my work and my time - something I understood very early in my career, though not everyone's that lucky.

    It means my time isn't wasted and I don't have to deal with shit clients and employers.
  • Hello Dwain,

    If I could only choose one thing it would be to get around people who are at the level that you want to be.

    Misery likes company, and so does success.

    I had to get away from negative people who were not achieving at the highest level and raise my standards, then I found that they saw and did things differently to other people.

    I had to prove myself and provide value in many ways and eventually I manifested my goals and dream clients over time.

    Good luck!

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