Would you like to come for drinks and a free talk event on the theme of Small Spaces in the City at Roca London Gallery on 28th Nov. 6.30pm?

Would you like to come for a free talk and drinks event on 28th Nov. 6.30pm, at Roca London Gallery (opposite Imperial Wharf station), designed by Zaha Hadid in 2011? The event centers around the exhibition 'Small Spaces in the City: Rethinking Inside the Box', curated by Clare Farrow Studio, and brings together four of the participants: Jean-Christophe Petillault of JCPCDR Architecture in Paris (also the Scenographer for the Exhibition, in collaboration with London designer Tom Robinson and Berlin architect Paola Bagna); Anna Parker of Intervention Architecture in Birmingham and designer of the Barbican Dancer's Studio in London; Kristoffer Roxbergh of White Arkitekter in Stockholm who specialises in student living and unconventional households; and Professor Phil Hubbard of King's College London who is researching the subject of tiny homes and questions of health & wellbeing. The discussion will be moderated by Dezeen's own Amy Frearson and I will be introducing the evening - do come and say hello! The image here is of Jean-Christophe Petillault's Flying Table, which maximises studio space through a mobile table that rises to become a lighting unit. It is featured in the exhibition together with other projects by JCPCDR in Paris and their top tips on small living and working in the city. Hope to see you there, and please sign up on the Roca website: www.rocalondongallery.com - or just come to the main entrance of the gallery on the 28th Nov. at 6.30pm! There will be a vibrant Q&A session too!


  • Hi @Clare Farrow, Jamil from The Dots here!

    We'd love to get your event posted on our events hub, plese reach out on events@the-dots.com :-)

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