Paid event
 -  (BST)
406-408 Long St, London E2 8HG, UK
How to Win Business: Together with special guests, including Purpose Disruptors, MPB, photographers, commissioners, and more, the AOP explores the business case for incorporating sustainability to win more commissions.

For this year's leading event, join us as we take a deep dive into the benefits of sustainable business practice resulting in more commissions, as we examine why commissioners and brands are increasingly seeking out photographers, image-makers, agents, and producers that can deliver sustainable productions.

Brought to you by the AOP, in collaboration with members of the organisation’s Sustainable AOP, this event is aimed at freelance photographers and image-makers, shooting still and moving images, along with agents, producers and small studios.

Join us on:

Thursday 26 September, BST, from 12:00-17:00

An in-person event for both AOP members and non-members, sponsored by MPB.

Host Chair: Hat Margolies, Lucid Rep, AOP Agent Board Director, Sustainability AOP Member
Panel Chairs: Angus Light, Locate Productions, AOP Affiliate Member;
Carol Sharp, AOP Accredited Photographer; AOP Accredited Photographer, TBC
Keynote Guests: Purpose Disruptors
Meet with: MPB staff in studio refreshment area


Welcome – Doors Open 12:00

Chair Introduction (incl AOP Green Pledge) 12:20

Sustainability Chair - Welcome & Intro + launch of the AOP Green Pledge

Purpose Disruptors 12:30 - 1:10

Opener/Keynote Session - Reimaging Advertising & more: by Purpose Disruptors

Break 5 mins

Suppliers Panel 1:15 - 2:00

The Buy/Hire Business Case for a Sustainable Shoot: AOP Photographer (Chair) in conversation with Katie Thompson, MPB; Mariana Fabricante, Street Studio; and (TBC).
What is the business case for photographers and directors to deliver a sustainable shoot, when should professionals buy or hire the equipment and resources they need?

Break 15 mins

Photographers Panel 2:15 - 3:15

Winning Commissions through Sustainability - A Green Journey: Carol Sharp (Chair) in conversation with AOP Accredited Photographers: Emli Bendixen, JC Candanedo, and Ben Gold.
How are photographers' businesses benefiting from engaging in sustainable business practice? What stages are they at?

Break 15 mins

Commissioners Panel 3:30 - 4:30

The Ad Land Business Case: Angus Light (Chair) in conversation with David Grey, Finisterre; Pamela Noakes, M&C Saatchi; other guest/s TBC
Why are more advertising agencies and brands looking to commission on sustainability credentials?

Wrap up/thanks 16:30-16:35

Social & Ends 16:35-17:00

AOP Awards Showcase - launches 18:30 at Village Underground - showcase tickets available here


Established in 1968, the Association of Photographers (AOP) exists to protect, promote and inspire, championing and campaigning tirelessly on issues of copyright, professional best practice, and quality.

Our members include photographers, photographic assistants, students, affiliated colleges, affiliated businesses, photography agents, and those working in production services for the creative industries.

The AOP membership has always been formed of some of the most influential, trailblazing photographers in the history of the art form. Past and present members include the likes of Terence Donovan, Rankin, Tim Flach, Nadav Kander, Tessa Traeger, David Bailey, Julia Fullerton-Batten and Jillian Edelstein, to name a few.

For over 50 years, members’ work has appeared in global advertising campaigns, books, newspapers, magazines, exhibitions and cultural events the world over.

The AOP's work and action for change

The AOP Sustainability Working Group is tasked with demystifying sustainability within photography and short-form moving image production and providing clear strategies for all professional image-makers to use in the urgent pursuit of a net-zero carbon future.

The group’s aim is to provide advice and information on the business case for photographers and producers to be developing low carbon or carbon-free ways of working, along with helpful resources from practitioners and links to tools that measure greenhouse gas emissions from shoots/production, and how to use gathered data to benefit clients and business.

Group members are: Holly McGlynn, Chair, Accredited Photographer and AOP non-executive director; Hat Margolies - Lucid Rep, AOP Agent member and AOP non-executive director; Angus Light, AOP Affiliated Company member, Producer and Founder - Locate Productions; Carol Sharp, AOP Accredited Photographer; Kai Bastard - Bad Star Studios, AOP Accredited Photographer; Isabelle Doran, AOP CEO; and Chris Mackins, AOP Membership Services Administrator.


MPB is the online platform to buy, sell and trade in used photo and video kit. Trusted by more than 625,000 visual storytellers around the world, MPB are committed to making kit more accessible and affordable. Every year, MPB recirculate more than 485,000 cameras and lenses, extending the life and creative potential of visual storytelling kit.

Learn about MPB’s role in the circular economy, helping to make visual storytelling more accessible and sustainable for people around the world.


  • photographers
  • producers
  • creativedirector
  • sustainability
  • commissions



Attendees — 4

 -  (BST)
AOP Sustainability: How to Win Business406-408 Long St, London E2 8HG, UK