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This is an online event

Organised by BIMA

What is decentralised social media, how does it work, why should I care?

About this event
Online Only Event: We will send you a meeting link once you sign up.
SocialFi is what happens when Web3 meets social media. Cryptocurrencies already gave us identities in the form of addresses, and wallets in which to store information in the form of arbitrary tokens. SocialFi treats profiles, connections and even social content as tokens.
This event will look at some emerging Web3 social platforms to look at what new experiences they bring and what new opportunities they open. We believe that adding the ability to post, interact and transact freely will be a heady combination. For example, what happens when you bring viral marketing like MLM and affiliate into social media? If I re-post your new music single and one of my followers buys it, do I get a cut of the sale?


Attendees — 5

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BIMA Web3 Council | An Introduction to SocialFiLondon, United Kingdom
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