Cycle Skills Session
 -  (BST)
London SE10 - Peninsula Square, London SE10, UK

Organised by Greenwich Peninsula

Cycle Skills Session with Sustrans
About this event
Are you less confident or new to cycling? Using fun games and helpful tips, this session teaches basic cycle skills allowing participants to cycle safely on roads and embrace cycling as their transport of choice in their everyday lives. Bikes available for those who do not own a bike.
Saturday 23rd July 2.30-3.10pm
About Sustrans:
We’re custodians of the National Cycle Network, a UK-wide network of traffic-free paths for everyone, connecting cities, towns and countryside, loved by the communities they serve.
Read about the National Cycle Network

We bring people together to create places with clean air and green spaces, where friends and facilities are just a short walk away.
Cities and towns where everyone can thrive without having to use a car.
Read more about how our work contributes to healthier places and happier people


Attendees — 2

 -  (BST)
Cycle Skills SessionPeninsula Square, London SE10, UK