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This is an online event

Organised by Cpsdayoff

In this short introduction I’ll tell you about how dialoguing can help you to free yourself, to heal the past, inspire the future and give you access to a whole world of inner resources. I'll give you tips to get started and answer any questions you may have.

You’ll leave feeling inspired to give it a try and see what you can surface.

About Me

I've been running writing workshops and coaching since 2018 and run regular sessions giving people the opportunity to write, grow and have fun together. In 2023 I published Coach yourself with a pen, A year of journaling prompts and a plain page Write for your Life journal. All available on Amazon.

For further information contact me at cpsdayoff@gmail.com or go to www.clairepearce.uk. Image Kristina V on Unsplash.



Attendees — 2

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How talking to yourself can save your lifeLondon, United Kingdom