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Via link in event - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

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A Quarter Life Crisis (QLC) can sneak up on you anytime between ages 24 - 35. You’ve done everything ‘right’ - studied, moved out, got a job, got a relationship - but you don’t feel ‘right’. You thought you were going to be successful, happy, and fulfilled by this point.

Instead, you feel lost, stuck, insecure, disappointed about your career, and confused. You want to run away but don’t know where. You want to change but don’t know where to even start. Worst of all, you feel like you’re the only one going through this. Don't worry. You’re not alone and nothing has gone wrong.

By the end, you will feel like a weight has been lifted. Not only will you know how to navigate yourself out of a QLC, but you’ll be equipped with an internal compass that will navigate you out of any future crisis.


Attendees — 20

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How to Navigate a Quarter Life CrisisLondon, United Kingdom