Paid event
 -  (BST)
London, United Kingdom

Organised by Wishu Media

Get your ticket here.

Sooner or later the idea of freelancing without the need to deal with any freelance clients (aka agencies/production companies) - that is, being able to generate passive income - is going to enter your head. You have chosen the route of being a freelancer because there is a creative entrepreneur in you... and with that, you see the appeal of earning a salary while you're asleep, rather than awake putting all your energy to 8am-11pm on client projects.

Join our event if...You are a freelancer who is thinking of looking at finding a possible exit strategy. We'll discuss the topic of being a creative entrepreneur and earning a living even when you're not actively working.

Art by: Relax and Recharge, tubik arts

  • passiveincome
  • freelance
  • entrepreneurship
  • creativeentrepreneurs
  • agencies


Attendees — 12

 -  (BST)
The future of freelancing without clients - Passive IncomeLondon, United Kingdom