Paid event
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Building D2 (Level 2) 3 Dormer Yard London SE10 0EB - 3 Dormer Yard, Unit 2.1, Building D2, London SE10 0EB, UK
For this TPFxLabs we’ll be turning our focus to the exciting world of the advertising industry.

Join us for July’s TPF Labs where we’ll be turning our focus to the exciting world of the advertising industry. This session will be delivered by Emma Alexander, who has over 17 years of experience working in the advertising industry, both in the UK and abroad.
About this event
During the session, Emma will demystify the process behind large-scale commercial campaigns commissions and give helpful tips and insights into how to break into and thrive in the advertising industry.
It will be a great opportunity to learn about the different roles within the industry whilst connecting with other aspiring professionals.
Emma Alexander is an Art Buyer, Producer, and the founder of commercial production company, Mother Bran. Emma has commissioned and produced creative campaigns for household names like Google as well as emerging start-ups.
The event will take place at The Photography Foundation's studio in North Greenwich and is open to all, regardless of your level of experience or artistic medium. We encourage everyone to attend, from photographers and designers to writers and performers.
About TPF Labs
TPF Labs is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the creative industries! The TPF Labs series offers a more hands-on and interactive approach to learning and networking, which is great for those looking to connect with others in the industry and develop their skills.
With a focus on themes of wellbeing, creative careers, and portfolio development, TPF Labs will provide a holistic approach to career development in the creative industries. By addressing not just the technical skills needed for a successful career, but also the importance of self-care and mental health, participants can gain a well-rounded perspective on what it takes to thrive in this field.
Overall, TPF Labs will be an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to learn, grow, and connect with others in the creative industries.


Attendees — 7

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TPF Labs: How to break in to the advertising industry3 Dormer Yard, Unit 2.1, Building D2, London SE10 0EB, UK