

Organised by SuperHi

IMPORTANT: Enrol yourself onto the course via this link here

A flexible, go-at-your-own-pace 8-week online course that teaches you how to use WordPress to build custom websites with CMSs, reviews and payment features. It's designed to have you building completely custom CMS driven sites within the first few weeks.

WordPress is great for blogs, e-commerce and building sites to hand off to clients. Learn how to build your own themes from scratch, customize them around your features, and implement e-commerce with payments.

What you'll get…

  • SuperHi book + welcome pack (We ship to all countries for no extra cost!)
  • 3 projects over 8 weeks, two 3–week projects and 1 two–week project
  • 4 hours of learning a week, fit around your schedule
  • Homework to test your knowledge and expand your learning
  • Access to the SuperHi community on Slack and our super secret Facebook group
  • Continued help post-course, from what to code next to how to freelance questions

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to install WordPress and how to configure it for your own needs
  • Building themes from scratch + customizing them with advanced data and features
  • Converting designs into dynamic HTML, CSS + Javascript themes
  • How to find and use the best plug-ins + how to integrate them smoothly
  • Integrating e-commerce and payments with WooCommerce and Stripe
  • Getting our WordPress sites hosted online securely and handed over to clients

Support that actually helps.

1:1 sessions and forever-access to our online Slack community of creative students from around the world, learning to code together. With our team based worldwide, we can support you whether you're coding early in the morning or late at night.

You’ll make 3 real websites in 8 weeks.

Our course is practical, unlike other programs that take a month or more before you make your first website. We care about design and focus on creative industries — you're not learning computer science, you're learning to make websites you'd want to make.

Structured, yet flexible.

Our course is set-up to deliver 3 real projects — no bullshit — and we designed it so it’s totally flexible. While you can learn at your own pace, we’ll be here to guide you each week.

Design focused.

You don't need to be creative to take our courses, but everything we do is focused on making beautiful sites you actually want to make. This isn't your average online school — we focus on the practical aspect of learning.

Who is the course for?

This course is accessible to beginners. All you need is a tiny bit of front-end HTML + CSS experience – if you don’t have this already, our welcome pack contains a copy of our book, Learn To Code Now, with all the knowledge you need.

Most of our students work in the creative industries - typically those in design and creative roles – but you can work in any industry to join the course.

What do I need?

A computer with Mac OS X 10.9 or above, Windows 7 or above installed and a broadband internet connection. That’s it!


Attendees — 44
