 -  (BST)
London, United Kingdom

Organised by Zinc VC


This event requires pre-registration via this link, thanks!

Sign up and join us to hear from our early-stage Startups that aim to add high-quality years to later life. Meet the teams and see how you can get involved!
This will be the third of our Virtual Show & Tells and after a short Introduction and Welcome by the Zinc Team, each of the twelve Mission3 startups will present their businesses in 3 minutes or less. This will be followed by an opportunity to meet the Startups and network with other attendees.

This is an informal session, an “un-demo day”, and its aim is to invite investors, partners, collaborators and people in the ecosystem to get involved by helping the companies build their product, team and businesses.
-- A few more details about the Programme and the Startups.

On September 30th 2019, 46 Entrepreneurs (Founders) from all around the world joined Zinc's third Venture Builder programme, in order to build scalable businesses and develop new innovative solutions to improve the quality of later life.
Since then, the Founders on the programme, supported by more than 100 experts (Fellows) and 30 executive coaches, have developed and tested an incredibly diverse range of products and services solving for hearing loss, bereavement, cognitive decline, menopause treatment, mobility, pelvic floor issues, social isolation and loneliness, nutrition, and incontinence.
Over the last two months, we have been working closely with 12 early stage ventures that are now formally the Zinc Mission 3 portfolio.

The 12 companies represent a very diverse group of passionate founders:
8 out of the 12 companies have a female founder
50% of the Founders are international
26% of the Founders are BAME
the average age of the Founders is 36
-- How can I get involved?

We are looking to bring together people who are interested in getting involved with Mission 3 ventures through one or more of the following:
1) Investor/Investment Advice. Are you looking to invest and support the mission-led companies via capital and other resources, such as work-space?
2) Becoming an Advisor / Mentor. Are you an expert in a particular domain (e.g. entrepreneurship, investment, research, clinical practice, etc.) interested in advising or mentoring the Founders and their companies?
3) Joining a Business. Are you interested in joining an early-stage, mission-driven start-up?
4) Working with the Teams. Are you interested in working with an early-stage, mission-led start-up to gain experience through project-based work, an internship, or a student placement?

Please join us at our Zinc Show & Tell to meet Mission 3 companies and help us tackle this important mission!


 -  (BST)
Zinc Mission 3 Show & Tell - Startup PitchingLondon, United Kingdom