Timeless and sustainable ready-to-wear.


A LINE is born with the purpose of questioning fashion, elevating its root values and adapting to the winds of time, technological change and mindsets. We focus on clothing, but also on the ones who wear it. We want to raise questions, but also to find answers. We work based on our unique DNA, but we also listen to what’s going on outside our walls. We believe that transparency is the starting point of any good relationship. We are a small, attentive and careful business. We are set in the centennial savoir-faire that is part of the Portuguese textile industry to create a wardrobe that is timeless – but never stagnant – and feels like having our feet on the ground. A LINE represents style reduced to what’s essential, attention to detail and premium & recyclable raw materials that are suitable to sensitive skin. Designs that reflect the current direction that women are following – elegance, maturity, consciousness and self-confidence – and all the new trajectories that may emerge in their way. We want to walk side by side with the ones that wear us, taking a step forward (or a step back, whenever it’s necessary). We are deeply in love with our apparel and we hope you feel the same. After all, it’s very likely they last a lifetime.

People who have worked with A LINE