
We're here to reimagine the way brands end waste.


100 billion items of clothing are bought each year, and with 3 out of 5 t-shirts purchased today thrown away within 12 months, a dump truck of clothing is going to landfill every second. So we set out to change that. Every product we make is made from natural materials, using renewable energy, and designed to come back to us when worn out so we can remanufacture the material. Instead of creating waste, we make new products from it. Through our platform, Teemill, we share access to our modern, sustainable supply chain so other startups, brands, businesses and even charities can create products that are fun, positive, and never enter landfill. We're a technology-driven business that works worldwide from our home in Freshwater on the Isle of Wight. This is about global reach, with a short walk to the beach. We can offer innovative careers with a coastal backdrop, and most rewarding of all, a chance to shape the future of the world you want to live in, working hands on in an agile, fast-growing and internationally recognised leader in sustainable tech.



Queen's Award for Innovation

The Queen's Award

People who have worked with Teemill