Black + Blum (Live Brief)

  • Hannah Ledwith
  • Nina Delic
  • Jin Hsieh
  • Dale Rogers
  • Sylvia Tzvetanova Yung
The Proposal:
Black + Blum states that; "Children get fun lunch boxes and adults make do with boring containers. We wanted to offer something better... welcome to the lunch box revolution!"

Design A lunch-box for Black + Blum Box Appetit range.

Project Scope:
During the briefing, Dan Black mentioned the word retro on a number of occasions. That along with their lunch-box ethos my research led me to the multi-fuctional pencil case of the 90s (image below). I chose this as my inspiration because there was a lot of excitement involved in secret compartments being uncovered.
Tidbit is a snack-box, no bigger than a supermarket sandwich packaging box, that the user fills with snacks. Once they are ready to eat, they open their snack-box and begin to prepare.

Process to how I got to my final product can be found on my website


  • b


    • Design
  • Kingston School of Art logo

    Kingston School of Art

    • Arts and Culture
