Carnaby Magazine

  • Melly Wells
  • Michelle Tonta
  • Roxanne McAdam
  • Bethan Harris
  • Katie Champain

I designed the Issue 06 of Carnaby magazine. This issue focuses on sustainable fashion, food, beauty and accessories. Taking Soho on board, we wanted to elevate the magazine, moving away from the young style of the previous issues, making the magazine grow up, as its readers do. I love the energy that emanate from these neighbourhoods and I wanted to say it in the design and the photoshoot, showing the best of what street wear can offer in the area, while also focusing on sustainability, highlighting brands that are moving towards a greener approach. The concept is retro, working with rounded frames, disruptive layouts, collages and warm filters. I hand wrote parts of the magazine to make it look more personal, as if taking notes or answering an interview by hand.

See it online here.
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