Creating a more balanced beauty brand...

Lumity is a health and beauty supplements company whose aim is to celebrate life, harnessing the power of the circadian rhythm with targeted, nutrient-rich support for optimum health and beauty 24/7.

Healthy Beauty 24/7

Lumity is a health and beauty supplements company whose aim is to celebrate life, harnessing the power of the circadian rhythm with targeted, nutrient-rich support for optimum health and beauty 24/7.
When the body maintains optimum health, age becomes irrelevant to how well you live. Instead, you relish in your experience and wisdom.

So while others can only talk about ‘Anti-ageing’, Lumity says ‘Your best age is now’.

Lumity has been a best kept secret of makeup artists and celebrities for several years with advocates such as Helena Christensen, Yasmin Le Bon and Cheryl Cole.

Now Lumity want to make their products more available to all women who don’t want to be defined by their age by focussing on their direct to consumer proposition alongside their in store presence.
SomeOne has spent the last eight months helping develop their brand strategy, value proposition, narrative and visual identity.

In focus groups of existing and non-users, SomeOne identified a desire for a brand that customers could ‘relate and aspire to’, rather than presenting unattainable ideals of health or beauty. Likewise a tone of voice should also seek to project the customer’s voice in an open and authentic way and a brand identity that while being high-end, should not be too luxurious or wasteful.

The identity SomeOne created uses a primary colour pallete of luminous skin tones, alongside a calm and sophisticated, contemporary ‘neo-humanist’ typeface – Astro by Kamimura & Co. in Japan.

SomeOne’s brand world for Lumity includes a three-dimensional animated brand property inspired by Lumity’s original symbol. They reference the phases of sun and moon, day and night and circadian rhythm, the body’s natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

These were designed and animated by Bogdan Dreava and are brought to life across Lumity’s communications, on their website and Instagram feed.

SomeOne also produced Lumity’s model photography alongside photographer Helene Sandberg with a campaign aimed at being inclusive, un-retouched and in natural light to reflect the values of the brand and broad target audience.

SomeOne are now working with Lumity to upgrade their entire packaging range with a view to making it more sustainable and to fit in with the brand’s vision.

SomeOne Partner and Creative Director Laura Hussey says “It’s so refreshing working with a brand that truly stands behind its science. By helping Lumity articulate a position on health, beauty and ageing that women and men of any age can relate to — we have created an antidote to the unattainable, in denial, anti-ageing crowd.”

Anna Valle, Lumity’s Global Brand Director says “Someone has been a great partner in this journey to develop the Lumity strategy, from consumer insights to brand world. The new positioning focuses on Lumity’s science and champions real women that are ageing well and differently.”

SomeOne Founder and Executive Creative Director David Law says “It’s been a great creative journey so far and we are now looking forward to bringing Lumity’s packaging fully in line with the new strategy and values as well as identity”