Electoral Commission – #RegAFriend

  • Claire Medcalf
  • Tom Mann
  • Rob Garner
Electoral Commission • #RegAFriend
 Electoral Commission

Brief: Electoral Commission were looking for an engaging social campaign to encourage more young people to register to vote ahead of the General Election in May 2015.
Solution: There are 70% of young people already registered to vote. They’re switched on and fully engaged, so we talked to them (through partner youth organisations such as NUS) because they’re the ones that can easily up the numbers. If less than half of these young people got just one of their friends to register, we could hit 100% registrations in no time.
All we asked is that young people share a picture of themselves and their newly registered friend making the voter cross mark on social media. And to help spread the word simply, tag their friend, and include a link to the registration page. Registering just one pal, could mean power to all young people.
To help seed the campaign and reach as many young people as possible, we created a detailed toolkit that made it extremely easy for partners to spread the word about #RegAFriend.
Results: See how it unfolded on Storify.