Endings Summit at Techfestival 2019

  • Gianfranco Chicco
  • Dr. Joana Casaca Lemos

The Endings Summit at Techfestival 2019 in Copenhagen on designing better endings for products, services, relationships, and life.

I’m co-hosting the Endings Summit at Techfestival 2019 in Copenhagen on designing better endings for products, services, relationships, and life.

The Endings Summit will take place on Saturday, September 7th, 2019. I'm co-hosting it together with design researcher Joana Casaca Lemos and featuring three experts on endings:

  • Shoshana Berger, Editorial Director at IDEO and author of the recently published A Beginner’s Guide to the End: How to Live Life to the Full and Die a Good Death
  • Joe Macleod, former design director at UsTwo, founder of andEnd and author of Ends.: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t
  • Francesca Desmarais, a systems thinker and strategist specialised in environmental and social design, and Venture Lead at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID)

Find more details and sign up here: techfestival.co/event/endings
“’Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes” - Christopher Bullock (1716)
While taxes can be dodged, death can’t; and life is not the only thing that has an unavoidable end. Companies (including their products and services, relationships (personal, professional), and anything that has been created by man or nature is ephemeral, will change, and eventually come to an end. So, why is it that on most occasions this catches us unprepared or unwilling?

The ancient Greeks believed that the beginning, duration and end of life were determined by a trinity of goddesses, The Fates: Clotho, the spinner of the thread of life, Lachesis, the allottee of the length of said thread, and finally Atropos, responsible for cutting the thread, thus ending one’s life.  In our modern days, we focus mostly on how to start and how to grow things, but neglect the last phase: the end.

At the Endings Summit we will focus our attention on why and how things end, and delve into how to plan for – design if you wish – endings in four main areas: Products Services ; Relationships ; Life.

This Summit will require the active participation of the attendees.