Fashion @ MADE & ZINE

  • Gloria Ukoh
  • Taysha Ferguson
  • Mariana dos Santos Pires
  • Karina So.
  • Sarah Hanna Amdanee
  • Livity UK
  • Suji Sodipo

Created, designed and published a zine detailing the behind-the-scenes involvement at the fashion show featured in the MADE Youth Market.

Click here to read more.
[22/09/18] / [01/01/19]
On these two dates, something beautiful came together. On the 22nd September (and the weeks prior to that), I had the pleasure of working with Karina So. to craft and produce a fashion show that was featured in the MADE Youth Market.
Karina took the utmost care and precision when crafting the premise of the fashion show, making sure that it was moved in a direction that carefully represented her creative output. I, on the other hand, was far more interested in the over-arching structure of the show.
Karina and I both shared the view that the details must be appreciated and showcased. Thus, the idea for the zine was born.
And on the 1st Jan. 2019, I finished the zine.
Time taken: 4 days
Programs used: Photoshop, Powerpoint
Videography - Taysha Ferguson
Photography - Mariana dos Santos Pires
Motion Design - Sarah Amdanee
Creative + art direction, commissioning, design, production - Karina So.
Production assistance, zine creation + design - Gloria Ukoh