Memory Portrait Exhibition

  • Carolina Sampaio da Costa
Memory Portrait, an exhibition and sensory experience, takes place in Gallery 1 in Wellcome Collection. It seeks to revive intangible memories through the senses. The exhibition contains an installation for each of the 5 senses, enabling the visitors to recall their memories through sensual engagement and association. Each installation provides experiences of a particular sense by offering 5 possible variations of it. After engaging with this wide range of senses, each individual will be able to materialise the memory through physical samples of corresponding sensory cues, creating, in this way, a unique "memory portrait". The target audience is adults from 25 to 50, who tend to balance memories better and give more importance to the positive memories. This exhibition is important because, in allowing people to recall and materialise their memories and by emphasising the importance of the senses, it enhances their sense of attention and wellbeing.