METRO - Own Business Girls

  • Mojca Sfeir
  • Elena Sánchez Rodicio
  • Manuela Rondon
METRO - Own Business Girls. Nearly half of women want to start a company. Just 12 percent think they ever will. The biggest thing stopping them? Lack of financial support.*
On International Women ́s Day 2018 we wanted to inspire the next generation of female business owners. This is why every baby girl born in Dusseldorf that day received their first business card. The business card is far more than just a piece of paper: It is the ticket to a deposit worth 2.000 Euro, enough to start a first business adventure. The money will become accessible to the girls on their 18th birthday. 
*These findings come from Dusseldorf, Germany-based Metro’s International Own Business Study, which surveyed 10,000 people in 10 countries.
Teaser phase
The days before International Women ́s Day we started seeding posts and a teaser – featuring the data from the study.
The yet still empty business cards.
We have welcomed Romi, Lilli, Sevgi and other eight #OwnBusinessGirls into the world with their first business card and a deposit worth 2.000 Euro, enough to start a first business adventure, accessible to the girls on their 18th birthday.
With help from the agency achtung!, “Own Business Girl” appeared in the press, on the radio, out of home and on social media. Dusseldorf hospitals and the Union of Midwives also helped to recruit newborn female business owners.

Art Director: Mojca Zavolovsek Copywriter: Manuela Rondon & Julius Schneider Senior Copywriter: Vera Karpova Senior Motion Designer: Dennis Fritz Creative Director: Jakob Rheinlaender  & Hugo Gstrein Executive Creative Director: Leif Johannsen & Patrick Matthiensen Global Chief Creative Officer, Serviceplan: Alexander Schill International Account Director: Diane Schulz Managing Director: Michael Schneider Category: Advertising Year: 2018 Client: METRO AG Agency: Serviceplan Hamburg Location: Düsseldorf, Germany


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