METRO – Tailor-made for your taste

  • Manuela Rondon
  • Mojca Sfeir
METRO’s ‘Wine of the year’ La Sastrería which means ‘the tailor’s shop’ is the winning wine from Spain and a label exclusively created for METRO. What is today a winery, was a men’s tailor in the late 50’s that grew grapes as a second occupation.
Finding the perfect fit is almost impossible unless you have a tailor. La Sastreri­a has nothing to do with clothes anymore, but everything to do with wines. The look and feel of this campaign combines the craft of the tailoring world and the quality and expertise of the METRO ‘Wine of the year’. We bring it to life through the motto ‘Tailor-made for your taste’.
GIF Animation
Brand Elements
Behind the scenes
Copywriter & Concept idea: Manuela Rondón
Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mojca Zavolovsek
Creative Director: Jakob Rheinlaender & Hugo Gstrein
Photography: Valentin Ammon
Category: Advertising
Year: 2018
Client: METRO
Agency: Serviceplan Hamburg