Penny Up - short film

  • Tolu Sarah Martins
  • Tolu Sarah Martins
  • Tomi Okeowo
  • Benjamin Opoku

“PENNY UP”, is a juvenile, stylised drama-comedy that follows the code and conventions of a mature heist movie but is ran by children no more than 16 years old...who don’t need to be doing what they’re doing. We see the group lead by a sophisticated, mastermind and star pupil who orchestrates a group of four into stealing MacBook’s and other confiscated items from their school, on the last day of Year 11. We see the group depend on each other and use their flaws as strengths to complete the task at hand. Their process is like any other heist movie, they’re always one step ahead of an intelligent, yet unfortunate authoritative figure. The young boys must think quick on their feet, communicate even when words fail them, compromise, adapt and rely on that brotherly love to keep them afloat. Tonally, the film should be a collision of two specific genres, action and comedy. Whilst playing on the theme of nostalgia, we explore the carefree, dangerous but pleasing lives teenagers experience