Tolu Sarah Martins

Tolu Sarah Martins

Film Writer & DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
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Paige Williams-Malone
Sofia Elena De Vita
Sadatu Futa
Tolu Sarah Martins

Tolu Sarah Martins

Film Writer & DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
  • Penny Up - short film
    Penny Up - short film“PENNY UP”, is a juvenile, stylised drama-comedy that follows the code and conventions of a mature heist movie but is ran by children no more than 16 years old...who don’t need to be doing what they’re doing. We see the group lead by a sophisticated, mastermind and star pupil who orchestrates a group of four into stealing MacBook’s and other confiscated items from their school, on the last day of Year 11. We see the group depend on each other and use their flaws as strengths to complete the task
Projects credited in
  • Penny Up - short film
    Penny Up - short film“PENNY UP”, is a juvenile, stylised drama-comedy that follows the code and conventions of a mature heist movie but is ran by children no more than 16 years old...who don’t need to be doing what they’re doing. We see the group lead by a sophisticated, mastermind and star pupil who orchestrates a group of four into stealing MacBook’s and other confiscated items from their school, on the last day of Year 11. We see the group depend on each other and use their flaws as strengths to complete the task
Work history
    WriterLof films
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    -Traveling to different countries to do research and gain insight - Interviewing and transcribing interviews - Narrating a body of work for the client and working closely with him to maintain a certain tone - Piecing all visuals and animations togethers with narrative
    Paralegal AssistantFitch Solutions
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    -Reviewing soft and hard copy agreements globally, looking for inaccuracies or potential airing issues - Creating concise folders for the Sales team to navigate through - Marking documents in accordance to statutory retention period of the local office - Providing suitable options for transportation of hard copies - Creating Excel spreadsheets to document the reviewed agreements - Using Salesforce as a means to cross-check documents
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    Drama and PerformanceIdentity School of Acting
     - Los Angeles, United States