Potluck Zine: Issue 5 - Sausage Pasta 'til I Die

  • Natalie Beech
  • Georgie Koch
  • Ana Vieira
  • Eli Saad
  • Rhia Cook

Feature for Issue 5 of food magazine Potluck Zine. Buy the issue here to read the full article: https://www.potluckzine.co.uk/product-page/pre-order-issue-5-rituals Excerpt: "The process of making sausage pasta is so ingrained in my psyche I could do it in my sleep. I’m fairly sure I have in my dreams. Despite about 10% of its cooking process being from scratch, I feel that it somehow belongs to me. I hear other people apparently make other types of sausage pasta, but honestly, I don’t want to know about it. My boyfriend (a very good cook) once remarked that sausage pasta is "not authentic” followed by an explanation of other “authentic” Italian dishes involving sausages, and I - rightfully - didn’t speak to him for two days. It’s hard to understand where the obsession began. As much as I’ve tried to unpack the legacy story of sausage pasta with my mum, who imparted this great gift, she can’t remember why she decided to chop bits of sausage into pasta with a pair of scissors. Maybe it came to her in a dream. Maybe God spoke to her. Maybe we were defrosting the freezer and the sausages needed eating. Whatever it was, I’m grateful."