Take Fucking Risks: THE PUB CRAWL May 2019 (PRE EVENT)

  • Cookie Tabinor
  • Alexa Kerr
  • Grace State
  • Max Cannon

Take Fucking Risks: The Pub Crawl. 15th May 2019, Borough Market, 6pm - late.

You guessed it, we're back with another one!

5 speakers. 5 free drinks. 1 risky pub crawl.

You get a free drink to guzzle with each speaker; that’s 5 free drinks (quick maths).

On 15th May, we’ll be drinking and learning from people who challenge the status quo, lead from the front, and get risky everyday. Pin your ears back, meet us in the infamous Borough Market, and let’s get risky.
Kris Hallenga - Founder @ Coppafeel
Harry Ashbridge - Writer @ Monzo
Emma Sayle - Founder @ Killing Kittens
Paul Mellor - Creative Director @ Mellor&Smith

Final speaker TBA.

Speakers not listed in order!
The talks will start in Borough Market at 18:00 sharp. We're doing a different set of pubs to our November Pub Crawl, and, as always, we’re not advertising the route. If you miss the start then tough titties.

This route is shorter than ever, and it’s only a 30 second stumble between each pub.

Selling like hot cakes! Get yer tickets here.
One last time for those at the back... TICKETS ARE HERE.

See you on the 15th May fuckers x